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Friday, February 11, 2011


Classes are getting kinda of ridiculous, I have a 600 word biography on Robert Hayden due soon and with it I have to include 2, 600 word essays about a critique of him. So, 1800 words all together. Besides that I guess everything else is a breeze, reading poetry and such. Not to hard for me but tedious of course. Creative Writing is annoying just because class just feels like High School, it's a lot less stressful than most classes but a little demeaning at times. We spent our entire last class playing a game that had nothing to do with writing at all. I guess it's better than three six hundred word papers though.

I spent today with India and my goddaughter Athena. It was good to have a relaxing day with them, it's been a long time since I had nothing to worry about for one day. I was lucky enough to have enough money where we could go eat and I could get a beer. Really makes me appreciate what I have instead of looking at what I don't have. Life is good today :)


  1. Good to hear, nothing makes a day like a refreshing beer ^^

  2. I had a great time with you today. Thanks for hauling Athena and I around. :]

  3. ^ Not a problem hun. It's my pleasure!

  4. I'm majoring an english. I'm hoping to be a English teacher in a highschool.

  5. I love days like that, just kicking back with friends, not a care in the world & enjoying a nice cold one.

  6. ^Hell yeah man. Totally makes shitty days worth getting through.

  7. I know exactly how you feel! I love that feeling.
